Remote and Rural Ministry
Sisters of Charity Remote and Rural is a ministry of Community Care Limited, a not-for-profit registered Charity governed by Sisters of Charity Foundation. This ministry aims to give personal support to families in remote and rural areas of New South Wales who are experiencing difficulties or crises brought about by ongoing drought, devastating floods, severe bushfires, unemployment, and personal trauma.
We aim to reach families via the school principal and visitation. Confidentiality is maintained at all times.
Assistance is also given to agencies who help families and individuals over the long term, such as The Salvation Army.
Sr Anne Mayberry with a School Principal
At the principal’s discretion, we provide financial assistance for -
Children needing specialist medical help.
School excursions.
Breakfast programs.
Plants and seeds to grow a veggie garden.
Clothing for students.
Restock school libraries after floods.
Donating games, toys, books, to schools.
Providing grocery hampers for needy families.
Emergency pod homes
To make a donation: