Sisters of Charity Companions Prayer

May Mary Aikenhead’s life journey have a positive impact on our lives.

Mary was a woman of vision, who founded the Sisters of Charity in Ireland.
May we discover the value and gift of community.

Mary was a woman of trust, who relied on Divine Providence.
May we experience the inner calm of such reliance.

Mary was a woman of compassion, who visited prison to offer a gentle presence.
May we be aware of, and responsive to, those imprisoned by fear and loneliness about us.

Mary was a woman of the people, who walked the streets in the spirit of the Gospel.
May we connect with others wherever we may be led.

Mary was a woman of innovation, who sought new ways to live out her life vocation.
May we have the courage to explore and embrace the adventure of life.

Mary was a woman of vulnerability, who continued to shine even when confined to a wheelchair for her last twenty seven years.
May we draw on our resilience when challenged by our fragile humanity.

Mary was a woman of generosity, who sent the first five sisters to walk on Australian soil to minister to those in poverty, including convict women.
May we be guided by the spirit of selflessness and kindness in our every action.

Mary was a woman of faith, who allowed the love of Christ to urge her on.
May we feel the inner warmth of such a divine fire burning within.

May the legacy of Mary Aikenhead inspire us to follow her example of heartfelt commitment to those people on the margin of society; sensitivity to broken hearted individuals; and affirmation of the dignity within each person.

 – Shaun Dowling Horgan


Women of Church


Heritage Centre